Tag Archives: culture

I Have a Couple of Groundhog Day Questions…

WTF? A groundhog in a tree? Does this mean we can expect six weeks of flooding?

WTF? A groundhog in a tree? Does this mean we can expect six weeks of flooding?

First of all, I don’t know if you’re supposed to say this but “Happy Groundhog Day”. I can never remember if people expect me to greet them with a  “Happy Groundhog Day” or maybe a “Merry Groundhog Day” or whatever. What’s the protocol? Is today one of those special participation-optional holidays that gets a couple of minutes on the news but people who are not directly involved in groundhog wrangling and/or showmanship are not obligated to do anything at all and no one calls them Scrooge? Continue reading

In Praise of French Kissing

I miss French Kissing… my wife and I don’t do it anymore and it seems like it just never caught on here in Ontario between friends and acquaintances.
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Korea’s Big Failure

Baekdamsa Temple

Originally built in the 7th century, and rebuilt many times since, Baekdamsa Temple is a testament to the tradition of tradition ubiquitous in the Republic of Korea.

Before we get to the point I’m trying to make, I am compelled to put you through several thousand words of background to make you truly understand what I’m getting at.

But, before I do, I’d like to dedicate this blog entry to my dear wife who will be celebrating her twentieth anniversary of emmigrating to Canada from South Korea on July 24, 2011. I’m really glad you did, my jjaggung! I cannot imagine my life without you. Continue reading