Tag Archives: porn

Resurrecting “My Response to ‘100 Reasons Not to Look at Porn’ “

Just a quick note… I’m trying to get back in the blogging swing of things so I began looking through stuff and doing a little site maintenance. What I found was one of my posts was listed as a draft but I’m sure I posted it because it has a bunch of associated readers’ comments.

The bashful post in question is about whether porn is good or bad and is in the literary form of me making remarks to young churchgoers’ reasons why porn is bad.

Please go check it out at “My Response to ‘100 Reasons Not to Look at Porn’ “.


My Response to “100 Reasons Not to Look at Porn”


Well, with exactly what kind of photo did you expect me to head off a post about pornography? Did you really think I would risk my blog’s more-or-less good standing as being family-friendly by having a nudie shot right up top for everyone to see? Anyway, a shaggy dog seems quite appropriate considering this post weighs in at around 8,000 words. Don’t worry, it’s long but fairly painless — most of it is in numbered point form.

I was sniffing around the interwebs and came across several references to what looks like a now-defunct comment thread entitled, “100 Reasons Not to Look at Porn”. As near as I can figure it, this page dates back to February of 2010 and was part of a site that had been around since at least as far back as 2007. TeensAgainstPorn.com described itself thus:

“Teens Against Pornography is an online community where teens who are struggling with sexual purity can seek advice, prayer, and support.”

My best guess is that the page was put up as a project for a church’s youth group that had a number of members struggling with resisting temptation to look at porn. Apparently someone came up with the idea that the group’s members could support each other in their quest to become porn-free by sharing their own private reasons for thinking that staring at porn is not the best way to spend time. I guess they opted for an on-line forum to discuss this issue instead of bringing it up at meetings because… Continue reading